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8. Februar 2025

The Power of Non-Linear Thinking in Design

IDEO helped formalize and popularize Design Thinking as a structured approach to problem-solving in the 1990s, and it took until the 2010s for it to reach widespread adoption. Now it’s 2025, and somehow, the most important message of design still hasn’t fully made it through:

22. September 2024

How to Handle Multiple Deadlines as a Product Manager (or not)

If you’re a product manager juggling multiple team deadlines that seem overly optimistic, you’re not alone. Chances are, a few things went wrong earlier that led to this situation.

5. September 2024

When life gives you lemons, make Limoncello

This past year was a mix of everything, from moments of love and joy to hitting rock bottom. From smarter and more seasoned entrepreneurs than myself I know: I am not alone. Things are looking up, though.

9. Februar 2024

Return to office is dead.

Data shows that RTO de-facto died in 2023, with most organizations opting for some hybrid approach. RTO is just a massive waste of human potential. And for all the wrong reasons. In that sense, my "RTO policy" is serious management advice! Whenever someone suggests "returning to the office"... Maybe better get them a dog, instead of catapulting your business into the last century.

19. Oktober 2023

Love the Mission, Not the First Idea

On my first startup, 30 years ago, we developed a wiki-style app for research. Having spent days and nights for two years in a row, we were invested so heavily with our emotions, and so convinced we would change the world, we did not dare to ask our users if they wanted it. And they did not. A classic. I’d like to offer a fresh perspective on how to approach the journey more wisely. It's not about process.

11. Oktober 2023

Authentic AI Transformation

If we thought the digital world was changing rapidly in recent years, this year has taught us a lesson. Never before has disruptive technology spread so quickly across all industries, leaving many puzzled about what's still to come.

6. Oktober 2023

The Planet is Part of every Business Model

I'd like to get rid of the general notion that business is either for profit or for the planet, because it's not true. The planet is already an intrinsic, invisible actor of every business and has been sending bills for some time now.

27. September 2023

A Net-Positive Economy.

It's quite clear that there's no endless growth on a finite planet. But is it really that simple? When Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said that love is the only thing that grows when you share it, he at least opened doors to an alternative perspective on growth. How much love can we spread without burdening the planet? How much music can we play?

20. September 2023

An AI-Driven Love Affair

In an era where technology has deeply permeated our daily lives, a phenomenon is emerging: our emotional connection to tangible objects, such as our smartphones, is quietly evolving into an AI-driven love affair. I believe we should actively nurture this love relationship to foster a positive, long-term partnership.

11. September 2023

Resilience and My Inner Home

After 25 years in the business world, much of which I spent coaching and consulting for dysfunctional corporations and half-baked startups, the paramount lesson I've learned is the significance of cultivating resilience. People say I've become quite adept at it.

31. August 2023

Hallucinating Transformation

Your organization may urgently need transformation to keep up with the fast-paced VUCA world around us. Sure, there are ways to delve into the details, ensure lasting change, and there are many individuals I deeply respect for the impact they're making. Here's how you can manage effortlessly and without friction: Hallucinate Transformation. #SarcasmAlert

29. August 2013

Killing bad ideas.

Is it genuinely the groundbreaking ideas that pave the way for success? Or is it more about constantly trying out different things and letting go of favorite ideas?

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